
After much consideration
And a lot of consternation,
I'm now at my destination,
For this very long vacation.
I haven't heard the sound,
To make me turn around,
The bright light so profound,
Shines on this fateful ground.

I know why the fuck I'm here,
For I realize it is very clear,
I was never close, never near,
This isn't anything to cheer.
I'm sick of this kingdom,
I'm tired of this fucking fiefdom,
I'm pining for my freedom,
So in my infinite wisdom...

I'm here.
I'm here to let it go.
I'm here to let it all go.
I'm here because I know
It's time for me to let go
Indeed it's time.

I've always had this sour taste,
Bitter because I let it go to waste,
I've played savior out of haste
As my own existence became debased.
I have always gave,
I have always came to save,
But there this freedom I crave
So I rode the wave...

And now I'm here.
I'm here to let it go.
I'm here to let it all go.
I'm here because I know,
It's just time for me to go...
Let's get on with it.

So here I am on this very stage,
Just about ready to turn this page,
I've been shaking within my cage,
I know I'm being anything but sage.
It's time for this to flow
Time for me to go,
Something is telling me no
There's more to this show...

Maybe it's not time,
Maybe I have time,
Maybe there's more time.
Maybe I need time,
Just a little more time...
So let's call time.


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