
Showing posts from July, 2020

There Was Nothing There

I know there's a boundary there, Where I'm placed, I'm exactly aware. There is to be no crossing here. The other side has made it clear. I look back when I'm walking away, Just in hope, that the line would sway. It's only become more well-defined, On this, only one thing comes to mind. So now it's time today To leave everything behind, Because that was yesterday. Memories seem to be short As time and age erode this fort. My arms could be held open wide, Yet still, I would not find my way inside. Maybe I did miss that chance, Distracted and I just didn't glance. Or maybe the simple truth is There was ultimately nothing to this So now it's time today To leave everything behind, Because that was yesterday. Strangely I just hung around, Wishing for that spark to be found. I know that I'll never be a fit, So on the outside, I will sit. There is a long way ahead, There's only one way that I can tread. It will be rather slow, But I know it's where I


After much consideration And a lot of consternation, I'm now at my destination, For this very long vacation. I haven't heard the sound, To make me turn around, The bright light so profound, Shines on this fateful ground. I know why the fuck I'm here, For I realize it is very clear, I was never close, never near, This isn't anything to cheer. I'm sick of this kingdom, I'm tired of this fucking fiefdom, I'm pining for my freedom, So in my infinite wisdom... I'm here. I'm here to let it go. I'm here to let it all go. I'm here because I know It's time for me to let go Indeed it's time. I've always had this sour taste, Bitter because I let it go to waste, I've played savior out of haste As my own existence became debased. I have always gave, I have always came to save, But there this freedom I crave So I rode the wave... And now I'm here. I'm here to let it go. I'm here to let it all go. I'm here because I know, It&